Child Protection Policy

Edgewater Lutheran Church has undertaken the development of a policy that helps us, as a Christian organization, to protect the children God has blessed us with. In a world that continues to live in sin, we are called to minister in the world but not become like it. This paradox that we operate in forces us to acknowledge the possibility of sinful and damaging behavior and develop a plan to protect the innocent and give help and caring to those in need of God’s love and restoring power.

This document is a combination of state & federal requirements and recommendations, helpful guides for identifying child abuse, proper procedures for screening our employees & volunteers, guidelines for maintaining a safe environment for our children and a plan of action for the congregation to follow if we ever find ourselves in the position where we have to respond to charges about one of our staff or volunteers. While this document may seem at first to be overkill, it is the most concise document we could develop and still have all the information and tools we need. It is our prayer that this policy will protect our children as well as give counseling support to those adults in need of healing.

This document can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the title above.  For individual forms, email

Employee Policies

Ministry at Edgewater Lutheran Church operates with the following policies in place. These guide the actions of employees in regards to several of the more business related aspects of their positions at Edgewater Lutheran Church.  This document can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the title above.

Ministry Policies

Ministry at Edgewater Lutheran Church operates with the following policies in place. These guide the role of the pastor as he serves in his calling and delineate the appropriate circumstances for the following to take place.  This document can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the title above.

Financial Policies

Finances at Edgewater Lutheran Church operate with the following policies and procedures in place.  These guide the actions of employees, elected officials, and laity dealing with financial matters of the congregation.  This document can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the title above.

Constitution and Bylaws

This is the document outlining how Edgewater should operate.  Included are definitions for the roles of the Voters' Assembly, Management Team, Discipleship Team, and Board of Elders.  This document also defines the denominational affiliation of Edgewater Lutheran Church, basic financial policies, and the role of called workers.  This document can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the title above.
