From Matthew 26:30-35

Jesus continues to prepare His disciples for what is going to happen in the near future, when He is arrested, convicted, and executed.  He points backward to a prophecy in Zechariah 13:7. This prophecy says that when Jesus is taken, the people who followed Him are going to scatter.  Peter, who is always ready to speak what’s on his mind, speaks up and says that he would never abandon Jesus.  He says that even if everyone else falls away, he won’t.  Jesus responds by telling him that not only will he scatter, but he will actively deny Jesus three times before the next morning.

Spoiler alert, Peter does indeed deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows in Matthew 26:69-75.  But later, we read in John 21:15-19, Jesus has a moment with Peter where He asks three times “do you love me?” Each time Peter responds, “you know that I love you.” In that moment, Jesus redeems Peter from those denials and then lifts him up to a new mission of making disciples and leading the church.

Jesus uses men and women who fail, who are broken, who are sinful.  He forgives them and overcomes their shortcomings, challenging them to do better and using them for His plan.  We know that pastors, worship leaders, elders, and other people in the church are going to fall short, they’re going to make mistakes and commit sins.  But we also know that God forgives them too, lifts them up, and still uses them for His plans.  That’s true for all Christians.  Each and every one of us will fall short, make mistakes, and commit sins.  But we know that God forgives each and every one of us, lifts us up, and uses us for His plan.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously forgives us and makes a place for us in His plan.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to look on the people around us with grace.

Topics to Pray About:                                                              

  • Thank God for the gift of forgiveness
  • Confess to God times where you don’t seek the plans He has for you
  • Ask God to guide you to lead the life He has called you to lead.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious