From Joshua 12

Eventually, Israel asks for a king. Not in these verses, it doesn’t happen until much later in history, but eventually they get there.  When they do ask for a king, they want one so that they can be like all of the other nations.  This is disrespectful to God, who set them apart from the other nations, who set them apart to be different.  In these verses we read a record of all of the kings that Moses and Joshua overcame.  These two men were not kings, they were prophets.  They were simply passing along the things that God had for His people, and that worked out in their favor.  Israel wasn’t like other nations and God worked on their behalf to overcome peoples who followed mere men.

It is worth remembering that we follow the same God today.  That same God has set us apart, not as a separate political or national entity, but as His people.  When we come across difficulties and struggles in our lives, we don’t turn to human solutions to lead us, we turn to our loving heavenly Father.  We don’t turn to kings or political leaders or our jobs our ourselves, we turn to God.  He overcame all of those ancient kings for Israel, He overcame sin, death, and the devil on the cross, and He can overcome whatever struggle you are facing today.

Focus on God

We are reminded in these verses that God graciously leads and protects His people.

Function in Our Lives

We are encouraged to turn to God as our leader and guide.

Topics to Pray About                                                               

  • Thank God for the protection and guidance He has given you in life.
  • Confess to God the times where you turn to human solutions instead of to Him.
  • Ask God to lead you to His will for your life.

In His Service,

J. LeBorious